I'm also concerned about the stability of the ear pieces in the ear. If these are the same size and shape as the "normal" earbuds that ship with the iPhone 7, they will be too loose in my ears.
The only type of earbuds I've found that are both stable and comfortable for long periods are the "athletic" type with removable silicone covers that conform to the ear canal -- not the ones that look like round buttons, but the ones that are asymmetrical and more "ear"-shaped (it's kind of hard to describe -- sort of like the asymmetry of the current iPhone buds, but larger and rubbery). Everything else is either too loose or starts hurting after being in place for a while.
Like the previous poster, I'm not likely to shell out $160 only to find out that the buds are unusable for me.
---In apple-iphone@yahoogroups.com, <jimdoc@...> wrote :
>> I haven't noticed any movement of them in my ears at all while doing normal household activities that include lots of bending and head movement and going for brisk outdoor walks. My experience has been the same as that expressed by Alma Lane in her post.
> I can't wear any ear buds, etc. since they won't stay in. and if the $150 price rumor is true it's not worth wasting money to find out. I guess too many years wearing military style hearing protection messed up my ears.
1. I have not seen any "$150 price rumor". The MSRP for this product is $159. This is right in the ballpark for similar technology from others.
2. I presume you have not read many of the available reviews of these products. While some people have unusually sized or shaped ear canals, for most these products sit comfortably in their ears better than any other ear-pod devices they have ever worn, and stay there more securely. In part, they stay in better because there is no wired cord attached to, and pulling on, them.