jeudi 26 septembre 2013

Re: [apple-iphone] Find My Phone - for a family member's phone?


And set up restrictions so that thief cannot turn it off

Sent from my iPhone 4S

On Sep 26, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Donna <> wrote:


Yes you can use your iPad from your home to help find her iPhone. Just log-in to her account with her apple ID and password on your iPad. I recently had to do this when my 17 year old son had his iPod stolen. He has his own apple ID and password. I used my iPad to track down the location of his iPod. It worked and the police was able to recover his iPod and return it to him! So I strongly reccommend everyone setup find my iPhone on their device!


On Sep 26, 2013, at 7:43 AM, Ramanan <> wrote:

I guess 

You can log in to your iphone or iPad with your mother in law's apple id and password and I think it should work the way it would the way it works from her iPad.  Once her missed iphone located switch bAck to your own id pw to take advantage of your own find iphone facility. 

Not tried myself. Just a logical convulsion. 


Sent from my iPhone5

On Sep 26, 2013, at 4:24 PM, <> wrote:


Hello All,
Is there a way to track the lost phone of a family member? I assume you have to have their phone's ID set up in advance....but *can* this be done?

My mother-in-law tends to misplace/lose stuff. Yesterday she emailed me that she'd lost her phone.  Eventually I was able to get to her house and use "Find my iPhone" from her iPad to locate her lost phone.

If I had -- by whatever process -- had her phone tracking on *my* iPad, I could have told her the location of her lost iPhone.




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