mercredi 25 septembre 2013

[apple-iphone] RE: IOS7 calendar


 I agree the previous calendar was easier to use.

I have been wishing for more options in the alert times also for the same reason.

I have experienced problems with touching the wrong button in the new calendar.  I don't consider my fingers fat but they are not skinny. This is a problem with some other apps also.

---In, <> wrote:

I have already sent feedback about this to apple. I went to add an appointment to the calendar and I added a reminder alert. The choices were now limited as to when I wanted the alert.I wanted two alerts. The first one is for one day ahead. Fine. The second one I wanted was for 3 or 4 hours ahead of the appointment. It lists a whole bunch of alert times, but none of them were what I like which is three or four hours before the appointment (not 1 or 2 hours)  It is like the app decides what the alert times are available from which I can choose but I can't choose the alert time based on my own day. It is bothersome enough that the calendar has become too generic with an extra step to take to see appointments for a particular day instead of just listing the on the main calendar page the way it was. But at least I would like the choice of choosing my own alert times. Maybe it is not that important, but I feel that choices I had have been changed when what was there worked great.If you agree please send in your enhancement suggestions to the feedback page:

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