mercredi 11 septembre 2013

RE: Re: [apple-iphone] 5S order


My nearest Apple Store is 2 to 2 1/2 hours away. I've got probably a half dozen AT&T stores within about 15 minutes. I'll have to take my chances with them. I liked ordering within the first 30 minutes of the order site going live knowing I'd get the delivery on launch day without having to fight crowds or whatnot. I did that for the 4S and 5. But I recall on launch day of the 4S I had an issue with the SIM card and had to go to my nearby AT&T store that afternoon to get it fixed. There were only a couple people in the store and the girl helping me said they weren't nearly as busy as they feared. Maybe I will have the same luck next week.

--- In, <> wrote:

I would get to where you're buying your iPhone 5s early and wait in line.  It's fun at the Apple Store on launch day.  I did it for the iPad 3. I wanted to experience all the hoopla. Now that I've done it, I don't know if I'd do it again.

  \   /\                Alice
  (   )        lwr32@...
.(     ).  Sent from my iPad mini

On Sep 10, 2013, at 6:43 PM, Jim Saklad <jimdoc@...> wrote:


> So if I understand correctly from today's Apple announcement, if one wants the 5S on release date (9/20) that can only be done by going to the Apple store or carrier outlet? No preorder of the 5S for delivery on that day as has been the case with some previous models? Hope the line at my local AT&T store isn't too long and they have plenty of stock.

Historically, you do better at an Apple store than at a carrier store, in terms of amount of available stock.

Jim Saklad mailto:jimdoc@...

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