mercredi 25 septembre 2013

Re: [apple-iphone] Battery fully charged


Nope, didn't notice. 

According to the iOS 6 manual and my memory, it only showed the plug symbol inside the battery shape if it was fully charged and plugged in. The plug symbol had nothing to do with being fully charged, and they dropped it in iOS 7.


On Sep 25, 2013, at 8:07 AM, Daniel Engstrom wrote:


Anyone else noticed the battery indicator?
USE TO ;; when it was "fully charged" show 100# but also have a symbol "inside " the battery symbol ( top right of phone) !! It would say 100% but wasn't fully charged till that symbol inside the battery symbol would show up!
AND NOW it simply just shows 100%.
Maybe it's the "radio geek" in me, or do others notice this too?

Sent from KE7UUM's iPhone

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