samedi 18 février 2012

[apple-iphone] Re: AT&T declares war on unlimited data users


I only cursory monitor my data because I'm on unlimited (wife too). It seems to run from 500mb to just over 2gb although once about a year ago I seemed to have close to 10gb data use (very surprised I didn't get some notice on that one). I do try to run off wifi as much as possible. I pay next to no attention to phone mins. since I generally have 5,000+ rollover every month. The wife and I have the 850(?) family plan but may use only 150-250 a month.

We are on ATT with a 4 and a 4S.

--- In, "Richard Bauer" <rk911@...> wrote:
> alice, there will always be people who will try and pass the buck to anyone within arm's reach...nothing is ever their fault.
> ___________________________
> So people weren't monitoring their data/minutes usage themselves? It's nice to have the cell provider monitor the usage for that but I also monitor it. Always have.
> Alice

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