vendredi 28 octobre 2011

Re: [apple-iphone] Apple engineers contact iPhone 4S user to diagnose battery issues


Same here, I am getting same USE battery life that I did with 4 which was
quoted during announcement. They did say the Standby time was reduced to
200 hours from 300 but didn't list a reason. It is assumed this is iCloud
constant syncing, PhotoStream, etc.

I would speculate that the people experiencing battery drain restored from
older phone backups, use Exchange account(s) with Push enabled (ActiveSync
is a HUGE battery drain - when I am trying to run battery down I change my
Exchange from Fetch to Push), and/or use Find Friends and other Apps that
heavily use GPS.

I know that during the beta process, using my Mophie Juice Pack on iPhone 4
with WiFi on would drain the JP because it was constantly looking for iTunes
to "WiFi Sync" with - they fixed this around Beta 3 or 4.

On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 16:14, Rich <> wrote:

> My battery life is fine. About the same as I remember my 3GS being
> and about the same as my EVO.
> I have never really got more than 1 day with "MY" use from any phone I
> have had, Treo, BB, Palm Pre, EVO, Instinct or couple versions of the
> iPhones.
> With a lot of use, I had to charge as soon as I get home but no different
> than
> any phone I mentioned above.
> Rich
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