vendredi 7 octobre 2011

[apple-iphone] Re: A Coin Flip


I'm going to hop in with my thoughts here too...I have a 3Gs. Love it, I don't use the iPod or movie features, I'll have my son teach me one day. Lol. I Stayed with it when 4 came out because I like the size and sleekness of the smaller phone. When I got it, it was a HUGE difference from the 3. So I'll be upgrading to 4s. My biggest 'wish' for the iPhone is Bluetooth control. I want to voicedial from the earpiece like I did with my bb and nokias. So fill me in if I'm just technically challenged. But I want to use the earpiece with my phone remaining in my pocket or purse. Phone dialing isn't handsfree IMHO. I'm an old lady so maybe I'm just not getting it.

--- In, "mdoyle13" <mdoyle13@...> wrote:
> --- In, "bj" <bjones44@> wrote:
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: shannoncooley@
> > Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 5:39 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [apple-iphone] A Coin Flip
> >
> > Now, with iPhone 4S, not sure if I should go for 4S or stick with buying
> > iPhone 4 and wait for iPhone 5, or (oh dear) maybe 6?
> > =======================================================
> >
> > This, among many other messages, sounds as if it's the *name* that's the
> > hangup, not the product itself.
> >
> > Would you leap if it were "iPhone 5"?
> >
> > It's *this year's version*, whatever its name. Either it has something that
> > interests you or it doesn't, and if it does then either you decide it's
> > worth the price ($, contract, whatever) or it's not &/or you can either
> > afford it or you can't.
> >
> > This isn't something someone else can decide for you -- only you know if a
> > better (?) camera, faster processor, more memory, etc etc etc is worth it
> > *to you.*
> >
> > Personally, I don't care what it's called; I'm still not interested in a new
> > phone just now. But if I were going to buy a new one at all I wouldn't get
> > one that's already an older model -- i.e. I wouldn't buy a 4 now, I'd either
> > stick with what I already had or get the 4S.
> > bj
> > (happy with my 4 even if it is old-tech :-))
> >
> Agree that the name seems to be the hangup for a lot of folks. So far every version has had something(s) the previous one didn't. That will probably hold true next year or whenever the next version is released. I don't recall ever seeing anything other than speculation that this one would be "iPhone5." I don't know what would make "iPhone5" better than "iPhone 4S." It's semantics.
> I also agree on not buying the older model that is 12-18 months in. We did that two years ago, getting my wife a 3G six months after the 3GS was released. I had a 3G at the time and didn't feel what I considered a few upgrades to be worth the extra $ for the 3GS. Now her 3G is almost obsolete so I'm using her upgrade to get the 4S and will pass down my 4 to her (I'm the heavier user of the phone so she is fine with that). I would now rather spend a little more to get the current one and the two-year contract rather than get the contract and a "new" phone that's already 12-15 months old.
> But that's just my situation. YMMV.

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