vendredi 28 octobre 2011

[apple-iphone] Apple engineers contact iPhone 4S user to diagnose battery issues

Sent to you by Bill Boulware via Google Reader: Apple engineers contact
iPhone 4S user to diagnose battery issues via 9to5Mac by Jordan Kahn on

Apple engineers are in the process of contacting iPhone 4S owners in
order to determine the cause of alleged battery life issues. One iPhone
owner told the Guardian that Apple engineers "installed a monitoring
program" on his iPhone to diagnose the source of the problem:

"I then got a call from a senior [Apple] engineer who said he had read
my post and was 'reaching out' to users for data and admitted this was
an issue (and that they aren't close to finding a fix!) and asked lots
of questions about my usage and then asked if he could install the file
below and that he would call back the day after to retrieve the info. I
extracted the file from my Mac after a sync and emailed it to him. He
was incredibly helpful and apologetic in the typical Apple way!"

The unnamed iPhone user was apparently expericing a "10% drop in
standby every hour", he turned off location services and Siri in an
attempt to troubleshoot which new features exclusive to the iPhone 4S
might be causing the battery loss to no avail. We first reported about
users complaining about the iPhone 4S's battery draining unexplainably
fast a couple weeks ago. The issue seems to only be affecting a small
number of users, although the Apple discussion boards are still full of
people experiencing similar problems. If this account with an Apple
engineer is to be believed, it looks like Apple is at least
acknowledging the issue even if they "aren't close to finding a fix".
We'll keep you posted as we learn more.

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